Verse 1: Come and stand amazed, you people, see how God is reconciled See His plans of love accomplished; see His gift, this newborn child See the Mighty, weak and tender; see the Word who now is mute See the Sovereign without splendor; see the Fullness destitute.
Verse 2: See how humankind received Him; See Him wrapped in swaddling bands Who as Lord of all creation rules the wind by His commands See him lying in a manger without sign of reasoning Word of God to flesh surrendered, He is wisdom’s crown, our King.
Verse 3: O Lord Jesus, God incarnate, who assumed this humble form Counsel me and let my wishes to Your perfect will conform Light of life, dispel my darkness, Let your frailty strengthen me; Let your meekness give me boldness, Let your burden set me free; O Emmanuel, my savior, let your death be life for me.
©2013 Citizens / Creative Commons 3.0 / Medieval Dutch Carol translated by Klaas Hart Music and Additional Lyrics by Dustin Kensrue / Arrangement by Citizens