[Verse 1]
This is how I know I am Yours
That if my heart should condemn me Your truth is so much more
This is how I know I’m secure
That even though I keep falling Your love for me endures
In the light of Your Grace you end my darkness
In the light of Your grace my burdens lose their weight
In the light of Your grace You lift my head up
In the light of Your grace my sin is washed away
[Verse 2]
This is how I know You’re my Lord
That in my weakness You give me the strength to be restored
This is how I know I’m adored
That when I’m lost in my feeling You tell my I am Yours
[Bridge 1]
Head out of water Walk on the waves
This is how I know I am Yours This is how I know I’m secure
This is how I know I am Yours This is how I know I’m adored
[Bridge 2]
Head out of water Walk on the waves
Weight turns to wonder In the light of Your Grace
Copyright 2020: Brian Eichelberger | Zach Bolen
CCLI: 7147889